About Us

Silk Specialist Suites loves to provide health care to all our patients. Our experienced Surgeons and Physicians are passionate about providing quality healthcare to both individuals and families at any stage of life.

Our Team

Silk Medical currently comprises of many different specialities including Pain Management, Gastroenterology, Renal Physicians, General Paediatrics, Endocrine Surgery, Paediatric Cardiology, Psychiatry, Orthopaedics, Gynaecology, General Surgery, Obstetrics, Paediatric Cardiology, Neo-Natal Paediatrics, Oncology, Paediatric Neurology, Upper General Surgery & General Physicians.


Our Specialists also work at many other public sites including Dandenong Hospital, Box Hill Hospital, Maroondah Hospital, Casey Hospital, Northern Hospital, Traralgon Hospital & the Austin Hospital.

Why Choose Us

Quality Service

Silk Medical are Caring, Compassionate and Concerned about every patient’s healthcare journey from start to finish.

30 Years of Experience

With over 30 years experience within General Practice, Specialist Suites and both Private and Public hospital settings, the knowledge and experience that Silk Medical have acquired over time is what sets us apart from the rest.

Complete Care

Mount Waverley’s Silk Medical Specialist Suites contains onsite parking as well as Pathology, radiology and pharmaceutical.

Need a Specialist

If you are looking for a specialised doctor with many years of experience in their field, please call one of our friendly receptionists to help you with an appointment.

Reach Us


Level 1, 401 Blackburn Road,
Mount Waverly Vic 3149





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